Tutorial: Asynchronous Callback Execution

Asynchronous Callback Execution

By default, multivents calls event handler functions asynchronously.

In some cases you might want to declare a callback that is explicitly meant to be invoked synchronously. You can do that with a fourth argument in the on function.

channel.on('ping', f, null, false);

Above you can see a callback registration that declares the callback's preference to be executed synchronously.

You can also emit an event with a preference to have its callbacks be executed synchronously.


If neither the callback registration code nor the event emitter make any statement on how callback execution should be handled, multivents does it asynchronously. If one part (emit or on) states a preference and the other one doesn't, the preference will be respected. If both have the same preference, well, that's what we're doing. If there is a conflict, the emitter wins. So basically, if you use the emitSync or emitAsync method, the according execution style is guaranteed. E.g. in the following case:

channel.on('ping', f, null, false); // [`f` wants to be called synchronously]
channel.emitAsync('ping'); // [`emitAsync` guarantees asynchronous execution]

the callback will be executed asynchronously, because the emitAsync method was used and is stronger than the async flag in the on call.