Tutorial: Basic Usage

Basic Usage

First, you want to include multivents in your project. If you are writing for nodejs, you would npm install multivents and then in your project:

var Channel = require('multivents');

Now we can use multivents, to create a message channel using the Channel constructor (here in conjunction with the new keyword).

var channel = new Channel();

The new channel provides the on method that allows you to specify an event name and a function that is meant to be executed in case the given event is triggered.

channel.on('ping', function () {
    console.log('ping event fired!');

Your function can also have parameters.

var greet = function (who) {
    console.log('hello' + who);
channel.on('ping', greet);

You can trigger an event using the channel's emit method and optionally provide additional arguments that will be passed on to the callback.

channel.emit('ping', 'world');
 // 'ping event fired!'
 // 'hello world'

When you want to remove a callback function, you can detach it from the event by using the off message and specifying the event and the function you want to detach.

channel.off('ping', greet);

Now, when you fire the event again, the greet function will no longer be invoked.

channel.emit('event'); // 'ping event fired!'